Amidst a deadly persecution, a determined orphan tries to bring her mother back to life through the power of art.
We’re convinced of the power of film to change the world. That’s why we created Films for Freedom, a curated collection of shorts about our world’s most pressing issues.
When a secret service officer in China discovers that his childhood sweetheart has uncovered the ghastly crimes behind a popular human bodies exhibit, he must choose between loyalty to the Party and the love of his life.
Amidst a deadly persecution, a determined orphan tries to bring her mother back to life through the power of art.
Creating awareness is the first step to making real change. These poignant new fictional shorts expose true stories and open people’s eyes to injustice.
Discover the true story behind Ravage
Find out the facts behind Reunion
Explore the events that inspired Rag Doll
We are the passionate filmmakers, storytellers, and concerned citizens that make up the team at independent film company Flying Cloud Productions. Our films, which focus on China’s crimes against humanity, have screened in parliaments, impacted laws and won numerous awards around the world.
Are you interested in tackling human rights issues or impact filmmaking? We would love to hear from you! If you would like to share your work with us or have a suggestion for a must-see human rights film, drop us a line at hello@filmsforfreedom.com